Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Ah, Beautiful Snow

Love the lovely snow. We've got somewhere around 2 1/2 feet between these two storms! (Checking the math. . .well, we had about 18" the first time, then as of last evening there were 8 more, and doubtless there's been 6 more overnight. . .that sounds about right). So, favorite things done so far in/because of these two storms:

-Cross-country walking in two-ish feet of snow behind the Refectory and Library
-Shoveling parties in the parking lot (but ow, my back still hurts)
-Introducing blueberry-SoCo snowtinis (even if only two people liked them, I will still be proud of this!)
-Watching the snow fall with Max and Alex Tomlinson (4 and 2 years old, respectively)

But you know, there were so many other good times. . .this list will suffice, though. Oh, more sledding this afternoon is on the schedule! :)