Sunday, April 23, 2006

T minus 34 hours

Tomorrow night I will start a series of traveling which will lead me to the island of Iona off the west coast of Scotland. I will be there for nine weeks, volunteering as a housekeeping assistant in the 13th-century Abbey which is one of the facilities used by the Iona Community, which is an ecumenical group of Christians doing all sorts of wonderful things in this place of contemplation, discussion, planning, fellowship, and worship. (Find out more here: ).

In fact, this is the reason why I've started this blog: I want to share this experience with you. I go to be among strangers who, as Christians, are already friends unknown, and I want to stay connected to you, my friends and family. (Even my close friends can testify to my blaring lack of consistent correspondence skills).

I am almost completely packed, and have been trying to take as little as possible, because it'll be awkward to be heavily laden down during travel: in order to get from my front door to Iona's, I will be taking a car, plane, subway, train, taxi, two ferries, and a bus. You can begin to understand how remote this place is! (On the map at the upper left, if you look for Glasgow in the north, I'll be on one of the islands west of it, as seen in the map on the right).

Well, I'm off to church right now, and more inevitable last-minute preparation will follow.

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