Saturday, August 12, 2006

Whirlwind Return

I am safely home, and here are some highlights of the journey and the week since:

-Hanging out with Simon's friend Travis in Glasgow (fun to learn about filmmaking!)
-Sneakily listening to Verdi's opera "Rigoletto" in Holland Park, London, while I made my own high-culture experience of consuming shandy, stilton and crackers in a private picnic
-Getting showered with love in the form of emails and phone conversations from Iona vollies (love them!)
-Avoiding air-travel security hassles by quite fortuitously leaving a week before new terror concerns; I might've had to go through all sorts of tiring and confusing new plans otherwise (kudos to Scotland Yard on the arrests, though)
-Playing guitar for my congregation ("One Bread, One Body" and "Take, Oh, Take Me As I Am" in English and Gaelic)
-A welcome home picnic with a sheep cake and a slideshow of Iona pics for those attending (and British beer, too!)
-Meeting with my candidacy committee--good to reestablish old ties and meet some current Gettysburg students
-Going through tons of boxes of old junk
-Preparing to give a sermon at Mt. Zion tomorrow- whoa!

My life: both a blessing and a blur.

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